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Re: klezmer (or not) Mann, oh man

Dear Britt,
can you give more details about this CD
- label, label no.
- an impression of the track titles
    is all composed, or are there any traditionals ?

Cornelius van Sliedregt

op 04-03-2003 05:01 schreef BrittGood (at) aol(dot)com op BrittGood (at) 

> Chaverim,
> pardon my enthusiasm, but ...
> I'm in love with a new CD and I just had to share it with the list.
> It's Herbie Mann's "Eastern European Roots"...
> he realized he had explored many other types of music but not his
> own Jewish musical roots -- his mother is from Bucovina, Romania.

> When he recovered, he traveled to Eastern Europe and this CD is the result.
> He's joined by other exemplary musicians, most notably Gil Goldstein on
> accordion (sounds to me like a chromatic button accordion) played
> with a moody musette sound. And Alexander Fedoriouk on cymbalom,
> I'm sure many list members will also enjoy it.
> Britt
> (Nefesh Klezmer Band)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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