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Re: It´s not Götterdämmerung til the fat Isha sings

--- Alex Jacobowitz <alexbjacobowitz (at) yahoo(dot)com> wrote:
> B"H Munich
> Heck.
> Why not.
> Anyone remember the brouhaha 
> a few years back? Wagner was scheduled as an
> encore at a subscription concert for the Israel
> Philharmonic, which was, for most Israelis at least,
> breaking a form of taboo. The international
> outcry on both sides of the issue was immense.
> Now, you could imagine subscribers
> could have quietly left if they didn´t appreciate
> Wagner. But it became a cause celebre, a matter
> of high principle in this case.
> One of the problems was the dictatorial way
> in which the conductor decided which music
> will live and which shall die. In Israel, at least.

i was discussing the issue with my music teacher last
night, and he raised quite an interesting and valid
point. EVERYONE accuses wagner of antisemitism and of
being associated with the nazi party (this despite
their adoption of him much after he died), and makes
him the poster boy for music which we shouldnt listne
to because of his prejudices. yet virtually NO ONE
raises their voices when anything by orff is
performed, when the man was not just adopted by nazis
but himself was affiliated closely with the nazi
party, and we dont have to look to closely at operas
like carmina burana to find very overt themes of
nazism. what gives?

> Loosening up the firing range with charges of
> anti-Semitism, feminist focus groups, mentions of
> neo-Nazis, Wagner, etc... was this really the best
> way? Pondering our Nibelungen?
> Folks? Could we have handled this a bit better?
> Can we do it better next time?

why am i the only who remembers the fact that wagner
and kol isha are TWO SEPARATE threads and have no
bearing with each other?? i believe i made this pretty
clear when i mentioned wagner, maybe no one wanted to
hear (maybe its retaliation, you know "i cant listen
to kol ish" hehehe)


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