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Re: Szol a kakas mar

Paul's version is not complete either; but between it and the text on the 
Zemerl website a full version can be obtained.  A different version of Szól 
a kakas már also appears in the "Zemiros Yisroel B'Yiddish" collection that 
circulates in Hassidic communities.  It also has the following somewhat 
singable Yiddish "translation" which is actually a Jewish reworking of the 
Hungarian text:

Krayen tut shoyn der hon
Der tog togt shoyn on
In a grinem veldl
Nebn a pustn feldl
A feygele shpatsirt arum

Vos far a foygl iz dos?
Vos far a foygl iz dos?
Gele fisl, perl piskl
Kayn Yerusholayim vil zi geyn

Vart, feygele, vart
Vart, feygele, vart
Az Got vet dir bashern
Vestu kayn Yerusholayim umkern

Ober ven vet dos zayn?
Ober ven vet dos zayn?
Yibone Hamikdosh Ir Tsiyoyn Temaley
Demolt vet dos zayn

At 02:28 PM 2/24/03, Paul A. Unger wrote:
>The text Martha Sebastian sings isn't complete. Hereunder you'll find the
>complete Hungarian text:
>Szól a kakas már,
>majd megvirrad már.
>Zöld erdöben, sík mezöben,
>sétál egy madár.
>Micsoda madár,
>micsoda madár!
>Kék a lába, zöld a szárnya,
>engem oda vár.
>Várj, madár várj,
>te csak mindig várj!
>Ha az Isten néked rendelt,
>tied leszek már!
>Szól a kakas már,
>majd megvirrad már.
>Adoneynu re'e v'onyeynu,
>miért nincs az már?
>Várj, madár várj,
>te csak mindig várj!
>Adoneynu re'e v'onyeynu,
>miért nincs az már?
>To the best of my knowledge, this is the only Jewish song that has Hungarian
>Nonetheless, a number of Yiddish songs were formerly translated into
>I can send you a few of these (both music & lyrics) as gif files if you so
>You might also try to acquire the hard-to-find booklet "Erdélyi Jiddish
>Népköltészet" [Folk Poetry of
>the Transylvanian Jews] by Kányádi Sándor, published by Európa Könyvkiadó,
>Budapest, in 1989.
>Kol tuv!
>     Paul Unger

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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