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Re: Translations of Belf`s Titels

Thanks to Heiko, Inna, Josh, Sam and Asya who wrote me their comments!!

- U Rabina
- Khasin U Rabina
This seems to be Russian, meaning "at the Rabbi´s house" and "the cantor at
the Rabbi´s house". The only unlogical thing is that my Russian Grammar says
that "U" meaning "at" is followed by a noun in Dativ, but the "a" at the end
of "Rabina" is a Genitive form. It should sound "ravina", not rabina".
Anyone out there who knows more about such things? Should it maybe yet be

- Lipovetskaya    from the town Lipovets in Ukraine, near Cernovitz
- Khotinskaya     from the town Khotin in Ukraine, near Vinnitsa between
Cernovitz and Kiew


 Monika Feil
 mfeil (at) fialke(dot)de

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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