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Translations of Belf`s Titels

Dear List members,

for our CD booklet I am trying to translate some titles of Belf pieces. Maybe 
someone could help me? 

These are my questions:

What does that mean (seems to be in Hebrew?):
- U Rabina
- Khasin U Rabina

The following titles are referring to the towns of which the melodies are 
coming. Does someone know the correct name of the towns and where they are?
- Lipovetskaya    (Lipovetsk?)
- Khotinskaya      (Khotinsk?)

For any help many thanks in advance!!!


FIALKE                             KLEZMER AND YIDDISH SONG
Monika Feil
Universitaetsstr. 48, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany
phone: +49-9131-203545
fax:       +49-9131-203546
monika(dot)feil (at) fialke(dot)de

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