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Re: usage question (liner notes)

Seth Austen wrote:

>I'd vote for "on this album". Of course, having gone through 3 or 4 format
>changes since I started recording and releasing music, there is the 
>as to whether or not we should still be calling them "albums"??

Oh, dear.  I raised this question long ago, and received a near-unanimous 
response, as I recall, that it was still OK to refer to CDs as "albums" 
(keeping in mind, of course, that "album" was already an obsolete term for 
an LP--since it originated when multiple 78s [of symphonies, or songs by a 
particular singer, etc.] were released in *real* "albums"--similar to 
photograph albums).

Is this still the consensus?

Thanks, and for folks' answers to "on/in".

--Robert Cohen

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