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Re: usage question (liner notes)

Who (besides me) remembers when Robert Crumb and his Keep-on-Truckin' 
Orchestra put out a 78 in  1972 on the Ordinary Record label (whose 
motto is "a high standard of standardness") with an instrumental 
"Wisconsin Wiggles", featuring string band with musical saw, and a song 
with vocal, "River Blues" on the other side.  I really enjoyed that one. 
 I wonder if that was the last 78 ever issued?

Seth Austen wrote:

>on 9/12/02 12:03 PM, Robert Cohen at rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com wrote:
>>Oh, dear.  I raised this question long ago, and received a near-unanimous
>>response, as I recall, that it was still OK to refer to CDs as "albums"
>I still call them albums too, but always feel as though I'm showing my age
>to do so... But it still sounds better than calling them CDs (or downloaded
>mp3s or whatever else).
>Personally, I'm thinking of going retro and recording my next "album" live
>with one mic, and releasing it only as 78's. Much of my favorite music was
>done that way! The only problem will be how to listen to them in the car,
>it's getting really hard to find a good portable 78 player.

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

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