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Re: mitzvot music (was Scarborough Fair tune)

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Jordan Hirsch wrote:

> Among the many advantages of this is the fact that all too often, Klezmer
> Bands that primarily play shows are not run as busineses that pay into the
> Union health and pension plans, nor are they always up on appropriate pay
> scale. This should not affect the client, but it does undermine the overall
> professionalism of the job.

But many people cannot afford to hire a full band of union musicians for
their events; that's why they turn to less "professional" groups for
assistance. Just because a group is paid less, it does not mean they are
necessarily inferior, or unable to live up to a basic commitment (and
conversely, just because someone can't pay thousands of dollars doesn't
mean they should be doomed to a lousy wedding band). As long as the band
has good enough chops and a modicum of responsibility, by taking the time
before the event to make sure that everyone is on the same page, nearly
all forseeable problems should be avoidable.


Jeremy A. Schiffer
AcIS Security Administrator
Columbia University
AcIS Nextel *75

Please direct all computer security related queries to
security (at) columbia(dot)edu or the AcIS/AIS Help Desk at 212-854-1919.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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