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Re: Greek Jewish recordings, 1912-1990s

MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> I Kstanti Evreopoulo (the dark-haired Jewish girl)....I added this to
> my rather lean Greek song repertoire at klezkamp in 1986, I think, and
> I have a tape of the original somewhere.  It's a very charming song.
> Lori

Hmmm - unless one is really well-versed in Turkish makam and
embellishment, I wouldn't recommend trying to sing Ksanthi Evreopoula
without listening to the original - OVER AND OVER AGAIN at that! And
even if one IS really comfortable with makam and ala Turca
ornamentation, it's still really, really important to listen, listen,
listen. Otherwise, all the tasty stuff in the music falls by the wayside
and one is left with only a scant remnant of the original song.

Lori, if you find that you don't have the original somewhere as you
thought, the version sung by Rita Abatzi (written by Stavros
Pandelidhis) has been reissued on a number of CDs out of Greece. Or, let
list folks know - I and other people have had this in our collections
for decades.

Happy warbling?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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