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Re: response to a gig cancellation?

If you were hired by individuals acting on behalf of an organisation, I would
take that to mean that the organisation is the hiring body, irrespective of any
change in the specific individuals managing the organisation, or belonging to
any committees of that organisation.

It is totally reasonable for any employer, or organisation to change its
business structure or direction.  But if they make a person (event) redundant,
then a redundancy payment should be forthcoming, (in my humble and foreign

In my country, persuing such an instance through the courts would result in more
harm than good, and one may end up wearing some of the mud that ought to be
sticking to the organisation, but you make your own choice for your situation.

Robert Cohen wrote:

> Just to check, guys:  Do I have any legal recourse--I imagine I don't--to a
> Jewish organization's cancelling a (lecture--but I can't imagine it matters)
> gig because the private organization for whom it was, apparently by informal
> arrangement, scheduling lecturers decided, after a change in management,
> that it didn't care that much about lectures and didn't want to pay
> lecturers' fees?  (The Jewish organization--had a written agreement with
> me.)
> Would appreciate, obviously, any thoughts or successful experience.
> It's unethical, I think, on both their parts--but I don't know that I have
> any legal recourse (other than to a bet din ...?).
> --Robert Cohen
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Lionel Mrocki


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