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Re: response to a gig cancellation?

In a message dated 5/21/02 12:46:17 PM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< First:  Joe, if you don't mind my asking--or, actually, I'd welcome 
from anyone w/ such a clause in their contracts--how *many* days? >>

We have a 4 week clause because I feel that it's at least somewhat reasonable 
to get another gig in that amount of time, which is why the clause is in 

I really don't think this is about legal recourse as there's probably few or 
no lawyers at all who would think these gigs are worth enough to them to take 
on such a case, paper document or not. And it's also not worth our time and 
stress either to go to small claims court. It's really about integrity: 
You've held the date, are not going to cancel. They've committed to you and 
shouldn't cancel. Make the deposit large enough to make them feel that 
responsibility and of course you then own at least that money to divide 
amongst those who would have been working. 

With clients such as organizations rather than private I stress again that the
y need to be reminded that this is your living that they've just messed with 
and that their commitment to you without a deposit (I rarely get deposits 
from organizations because they don't work on funds up front, usually) is 
still a commitment. By cancelling they have altered the way business is to be 
done in the future - with them and with others - and they really shouldn't 
want to be responsible for that kind of thing. Word gets out and you for sure 
won't be inclined to say yes to anyone connected with them again and "that 
would hurt you" to tell them that. Mutual integrity hits some people, at 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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