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Re: response to a gig cancellation?

In a message dated 5/21/2002 11:46:04 AM Central Daylight Time, 
rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

> I appreciate very much the responses to date--and, obviously, would welcome 
> any additional thoughts; but my response to Bob would essentially be that, 
> in the absence of a pertinent provision (which there isn't) in my letter of 
> agreement, I really don't *have* recourse in law to the organization's 
> deciding to cancel (or, in this case, the group for which they made the 
> booking deciding to cancel) my lecture--as opposed to if I *gave* the 
> lecture and they didn't pay me; that would, of course, be actionable.

We have all kinds of provisions in our contracts, but unless you can afford 
to pay a lawyer, they're not worth much more than bluffing.  We paid $10,000 
to a series of lawyers over several years to get back $10,000 owed to us....I 
also remind you that most of us on Global Village Music do not get paid a 
penny of royalties, but can't afford to sue....So stay sober on the legal 
options, alas.

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