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Does klezmer have a place in academia?

I am a doctoral student in woodwinds at the University of Minnesota.  Last
fall, I posted a few questions regarding klezmer ensembles in universities
and colleges--thank you to all who shared their knowledge.  I am currently
working on a project which explores issues regarding klezmer music in
academia.  As yet, I have sent surveys to the colleges that offer a klezmer
ensemble to students for credit.  I am interested in learning how the
leaders of these ensembles teach this style of music.  In addition, I would
like to gather opinions of members of this list regarding some related
issues.  There are only a few basic questions, of which I will post one at
a time.  If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please state that in your
response.  Thanks in advance.  And the first question, as stated in the
subject, is:

Does klezmer have a place in academia?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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