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Re: yiddish language decline?

on 3/21/02 3:19 PM, jordan newman at jznewma (at) yahoo(dot)ca wrote:

> Hi list. As a Cote St Luc--Bialik grad, let me say 1)I
> hated Yiddish class (and almost failed it a couple of
> times), 2)My friends and I never used it outside of
> that class and 3)I deeply regret having hated it since
> -- because of klezmer and Jewish music--I have come to
> love it but now can't remember most of what I was
> taught.  
> Jordan
Unfortunately, neither my parents nor grandparents spoke Yiddish (except for
a few phrases here and there). I learned lots of Hebrew (modern and
biblical, talmudic, yada yada all that stuff except Yiddish) when I was
young (I'm so old now, in my early 30s!). By the way, I can remember enough
to read it but not enough to converse anymore! I think it would be amazing
to learn Yiddish but outside of improving my understanding of Klezmer music
I don't know how else I could use it.

I think there are several local Yiddish course offerings available out here.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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