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Re: Cleveland Workman's Circle Bendix workshop: Fun!

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 06:12:44 -0500, you wrote:
>Yakov, the one you can't remember the name to was the Honga, I think. 
> And the "chusidl-type dance" you mention was indeed the khusidl.

i looked it up, that's the "shifers tantz", where you go into the circle and 
come back out moving counterclockwise.

honga has the same footwork though. erik was showing that one to me during the 

the real chusidl dance is different

>with your feet and legs all twisty to the sexy music.

oh, that's right... there were "twisty" crossover parts...

during the walk, on the first step in the measure, left crosses over right foot 
dramatically --

then the next step is used to pull right foot out from behind so you're 
standing normal again, about shoulder-square.

then the next step is in place with the left foot.

now repeat, switching L and R... you're moving in a snakey pattern

he did it for the stand-in-place, face-the-center-of-the-circle (approximate 
center, since what we had was more like a general arc) "mambo" sections too, 
although i can't exactly remember how... it was similar.

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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