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There's Always A Morning After

Yakov Chodosh wrote:
> a happy and drunken purim to everyone!

A happy one to you too - but let's keep in mind the story of the
two rabbis who did the blackout drinking one Purim together; and
decided it would be safer not to rely on a miracle next time.

Or just watch the teenagers in BoroPark barfing in the gutters to
appreciate the idea of moderation.  Especially after the fast the
day before.  In some communities it is becoming a huge problem, and
the chillul Hashem of it all is that folks use "its a mitzvah" as
an excuse.  Would that I persued all the mitzvot with the enthusiasm
I'd like to persue THAT one!

G-d knows I love a drink or six, as anyone who ran into me the last night of
Klez Kamp would know.  But I have it on several good rabbinic authorities
of several streams that it is NOT a requirement to get shitfaced.

An easy fast to all, and a freylach Purim!

roger, NOT going as the Highlander Rebbe this year....

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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