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Re: Sherill Milnes/Kalmanoff's "The Joy of Prayer"

In a message dated 2/5/02 12:10:53 AM, IKochinska (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< Sherrill Milnes, on the 
other hand, was not very interested in chatting with a little starstruck 
opera fan.  (Sniff!)  He also never seemed very interested in the gig, which 
made it all the stranger for us, the choir, when we got wind of what his fee 
was. >>

That's actually too bad. The cantor with whom I worked on one of the songs 
that Milnes sang on that recording said "I swear, if I were to ever meet 
Milnes I would say to him that his Joy of Prayer was his best work! It's so 
great!" Maybe he wouldn't even remember recording it, but would probably just 
grunt. I personally so distaste musicians who feel so removed, feel they're 
too above their back-up musicians to be friendly. And with their usual fees - 
and OUR usual fees -  they needn't!  Our fellow classical/klezmer colleague, 
Mr. Perlman, leaned very much in that direction when he would solo with the 
symphony. In and out, fast, making it quite clear that he was being paid by 
the note and wasn't going to give anything extra, either musically or 
conversationally. Sad, because in the end people are sometimes remembered 
more for their mentchlikh behavior - or lack of - than for anything. 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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