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Re: Italian connections...

At 05:04 PM 2/5/02 +0100, Francesco Spagnolo wrote:
>Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ties with Italian Jewish music still need to be 
>explored. As far as I can understand (although there is a book out that covers 
>most of his work -- I have to check in our archive), he set for organ music a 
>few Italian synagogue pieces (organ was widely used in Italy until WW2), as a 
>hommage to his family's heritage, which was Tuscan, hence a mixture of Italian 
>and Ashkenazi minhagim. I am not sure that his vocal pieces have anything to 
>do with Italian Jewish music, though.

C-T composed a Friday evening service for New York's Park Avenue Synagogue in 
1950. He also composed a Lecho Dodi in 1936 that received its premiere at Park 
Avenue ca. 1944. The Lecho Dodi (for cantor, chorus and organ) was published in 
the 1951 Schirmer anthology "Synagogue Music by Contemporary Composers." The 
service was never published. Both our library and the Library of Congress--who 
received C-T's papers in 2000--have ms. copies of the scores. Our copy of the 
score is part of our David Putterman/Park Avenue Synagogue Collection, which I 
recently finished arranging and cataloging. 

Dr. Eliott Kahn
Music Archivist
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
WK: (212) 678-8076
FAX (212) 678-8998
elkahn (at) jtsa(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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