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Re: Gottheil/Maoz Tsur--P.S.'s

Hi, until I hook up the record player, I can't be sure, but I think the 
(Lutheran?) _tune_ to Maoz Tsur is used on a Moroccan Passover recording, 
with words appropriate to Passover, not Channukah, not Shavuot and not the 

Hope this helps more than hurts??


At 07:49 PM 12/25/2001 +0000, Robert Cohen wrote:
>Can anyone help this phonetically impaired soul (who once broke up a 
>junior high school class by pronouncing "deluge" [as in the flood/Noah] 
>like "deluxe"--i.e., to rhyme with "fudge"--which I *still* think was 
>perfectly justified!!!)--Anyway, can someone provide a phonetic 
>pronunication, with accent, of "Gottheil"--and, for that matter, of his 
>first name (Gustav)?
>And, for good measure, of his songwriting partner Jastrow--rhymes with 
>"low"/"flow"/"sow"? (as opposed to "how"/"now"/"cow"?)
>Thanks in advance--and for all the info thus far; so glad I raised the 
>question (of "Rock of Ages" authorship)!
>Speaking of which:  I can find no mention, Sam, now that I've done some 
>(more) reading, of "Ma'oz Tsur" as perhaps a hymn for Shavuous--Who 
>says/thinks so, and on what basis?  As anomalous as it is that we sing 
>"Ma'oz Tsur" only for Chanukah (as opposed to, say, Purim, or Passover), 
>its singing, or reciting, on Shavuous would presumably be even odder, as 
>it's one holiday that's *not* referred to.  So whence?
>Would be pretty ironic if so, btw, as Judith's informant Solly advises 
>that the "Ma'oz Tsur" melody would sometimes be wheeled into place by 
>cantors on Shavuous, to be followed by sarcastic "Happy Chanukah" 
>greetings exchanged after the service!
>--Robert Cohen
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