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Re: Gottheil/Maoz Tsur--P.S.'s

Robert Cohen wrote:

> Can anyone help this phonetically impaired soul (who once broke up a junior
> high school class by pronouncing "deluge" [as in the flood/Noah] like
> "deluxe"--i.e., to rhyme with "fudge"--which I *still* think was perfectly
> justified!!!)--Anyway, can someone provide a phonetic pronunication, with
> accent, of "Gottheil"--and, for that matter, of his first name (Gustav)?

Well, I'm no expert on the man, but from my 3 years of high school German I can
tell you that in Hochdeutch (High German pronunciation) it would be pronounced
Got'-hile (to rhyme with pot-pile) and Goos'-taf.

> And, for good measure, of his songwriting partner Jastrow--rhymes with
> "low"/"flow"/"sow"? (as opposed to "how"/"now"/"cow"?)

Going along with my previous assumptions, then, Jastrow would be Yah'-strov.  If
anyone needs to correct me, please do so.

> Thanks in advance--and for all the info thus far; so glad I raised the
> question (of "Rock of Ages" authorship)!

Okay, but what about my Dreidel/Dreydl question?  I'm still searching for that.
Judy Pinnolis mentioned an Argentinian recording of the Yiddish version from the
1920s.  I haven't seen any evidence of the English version from that early yet.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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