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Re: Gottheil/Maoz Tsur--P.S.'s

Can anyone help this phonetically impaired soul (who once broke up a junior 
high school class by pronouncing "deluge" [as in the flood/Noah] like 
"deluxe"--i.e., to rhyme with "fudge"--which I *still* think was perfectly 
justified!!!)--Anyway, can someone provide a phonetic pronunication, with 
accent, of "Gottheil"--and, for that matter, of his first name (Gustav)?  
And, for good measure, of his songwriting partner Jastrow--rhymes with 
"low"/"flow"/"sow"? (as opposed to "how"/"now"/"cow"?)

Thanks in advance--and for all the info thus far; so glad I raised the 
question (of "Rock of Ages" authorship)!

Speaking of which:  I can find no mention, Sam, now that I've done some 
(more) reading, of "Ma'oz Tsur" as perhaps a hymn for Shavuous--Who 
says/thinks so, and on what basis?  As anomalous as it is that we sing 
"Ma'oz Tsur" only for Chanukah (as opposed to, say, Purim, or Passover), its 
singing, or reciting, on Shavuous would presumably be even odder, as it's 
one holiday that's *not* referred to.  So whence?

Would be pretty ironic if so, btw, as Judith's informant Solly advises that 
the "Ma'oz Tsur" melody would sometimes be wheeled into place by cantors on 
Shavuous, to be followed by sarcastic "Happy Chanukah" greetings exchanged 
after the service!

--Robert Cohen

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