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Re: "Be'arvot Hannegev"/"Erev Shel Shoshanim"

Judith Cohen advised--and thanks so much, Judith (and Solly!), for the 
responses to various inquiries, including mine--that an Israeli song whose 
title is in the Subject Line (the second word was actually spelled 
"Hanneguev" in the posting--I assumed a typo?  Or not?) was borrowed for 
"Yigdal" in Morocco, according to Solly.

I have lots of records of early-Israel folk songs and can't find this one, 
nor have I ever heard of it.  Does it sometimes go by an alternative name?  
Or is it a more contemporary Israeli song?  (Chassidic Song Festival?)  Does 
anyone know a record or two on which it appears?  Would *very* much like to 
hear it for myself!

Interesting, btw, that Judith cites "Erev Shel Shoshanim" (along with 
"Yerushalayim Shel Zahav" and "Hatikvah"--surely the contemporary cantorial 
greatest hits of borrowing for liturgy) as a melody appropriated by Moroccan 
cantors for davening.  The song is a prime example of what in an earlier 
post (in response to our other Judy!) I called "losing the composer":  Its 
melody is familiar to *most* synagogue-going (and lots of 
*non*-synagogue-going) Jews; its composer (Yosef Hadar) to virtually none.

--Robert Cohen

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