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Rock of Ages/Dreydl

Okay, now that we've solved the Rock of Ages mystery, how about the
dreydl song?  I'm still working on that trail.  Has anyone found
anything else out?

My latest clue is that in the Jewish Songster of 1925 by the Grossman
brothers, they do not have "I Have a Little Dreydl" amongst the other
Chanukah songs.  If they had written it by then, I imagine it would have
been included.

Does no one else find this story interesting but me?


Bob Wiener wrote:

> Words: By ?Mordecai,? 14th Century; translated from Hebrew to German
> by Leopold Stein (1810-1882); translated from German to English by
> Marcus Jastrow (1829-1903) and Gustav Gottheil (1827-1903).   Isn't
> that the Marcus Jastrow of A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud
> Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature---Volumes 1 and 2
> fame?
> Music: ?Maoz Tsur,? German Ashkenazic melody
> Here are links to info on Gottheil (who was buried in Queens, NY --
> don't you hail from there yourself
> Robert?) 
> (including lyrics, music, score) Thank you, Robert, for putting me on
> the trail of a fascinating story. Bob

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