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RE: Geven a tzayt - verter af yidish

I don't know now what I missed then or if I missing something now.   Now 
that I am re-reading the full text, 'troymen' looks here to be the verb 
(=infinitive) rather than 'troymen' the plural noun and thus perfectly 
correct.  Don't have time to find Teddi's record in my closet (lovely 
lady), but I did bother to find the English words on the web and check the 
two texts against each other.  The English words are: "And dreamed of all 
the great things we would do".  Since the text is a translation of the 
English version, 'troymen' must be the verb.  I guess I didn't send it off 
when I wrote it, because I did it too quickly to send off.  My computer is 
full of unsent messages.  When I found it in my outbox yesterday, I just 
pushed the button quickly.  I am sorry for confusing you all.  As Gilda 
used to say on Saturday Night Live, "never mind".  I am sorry Abby for 'dir 
dreyen a kop'.  I don't have the full thread to tell me what I was reacting 
to at the time, but what I see now is correct.

It seems that I post in spurts.   Going back to just listening in.

BTW, it seems that complaining about my husband not wanting to do any 
housework has had an unexpected positive effect.   After six years, he 
fixed the damn record player yesterday.  And playing Joan Baez was the 
first LP on my list to play for my daughter.  Don't care much for Dylan (I 
thought he was rude in accepting a lifetime achievement award at one Grammy 
I was at by saying a succinct "thank you"), but those early Dylan songs are 
so compelling.


From:  Abbi Wood [SMTP:acw24 (at) hermes(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk]
Sent:  Monday, November 12, 2001 4:12 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  RE: Geven a tzayt - verter af yidish

Teddi Schwartz definitely sings 'iz' at this point (it's on the tape 'Kumt
Arayn - American songs in Yiddish'). I had understood it to mean that the
protagonists are dreaming (plural) about something (singular) that never
happened (but as I don't know the original version of the song, I don't
know what the line she's translating is).


On Sun, 11 Nov 2001, Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky wrote:

> Found this old unsent message.
> As well as:
> "Troymen vos zenen/zaynen keynmol nisht geshen."
> Troymen is plural.
> Reyzl
> ----------
> From:  Lionel Mrocki & Karen Amos [SMTP:amrocks (at) optushome(dot)com(dot)au]
> Sent:  Friday, August 10, 2001 9:58 AM
> To:  World music from a Jewish slant
> Subject:  Re: Geven a tzayt - verter af yidish
> Abbi Wood wrote:
> >
> >
> > Do zenen di verter far 'geven a tzayt' af yidish, fun Teddi Schwartzn.
> >
> >
> > _Geven a tzayt_
> >
> > Vi oft mir flegn trefn zikh in shenkl,
> > Mir zenen yung un narish dan geven;
> > Gedenkstu vi mir flegn dort farbrengen,
> > Troymen vos is keynmol nisht geshen.
> >
> >         Geven a tzayt, mayn fraynd, ay, vi es benkt zikh haynt,
> >         Mir flegn hulyen, lakhn gantzn nekht,
> >         Dan hobn fis geshprungen un dos hartz gezungen,
> >         Ay, a tzayt, mayn fraynd, geven a tzayt!
> >
> >         Day, day, day...
> etc, etc....
> Shouldn't that be gantze nekht in the chorus?
> --
> Regards,
> Lionel Mrocki
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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