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List member pesters fellow J-Music listers

Khaverim --

I don't remember but did I tell you all about this event?

If so, my apologies for repeating myself. If not, hope to see you there.

L'shana tovah,


        Choir and Cantorial Soloist of Upper
Manhattan Synagogue 
        Pitch in with Musical Selections

        George Robinson, the author of the
critically acclaimed book Essential
Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs and
Rituals will join with
Rabbi Karen B. Kaplan, spiritual leader of Beth Am,
the People's Temple
to lead a workshop, "DAYS OF AWE: An Introduction to
the High Holidays
in Words and Music" on  Sunday, September 9 at 4
        In addition to Robinson and Rabbi Kaplan,
the program also includes
liturgical musical performed by cantorial soloist
Beverly Myers, pianist
David Deschamps and the Beth Am Choir.
        "The High Holy Days are probably the most
important days on the Jewish
calendar, and they are well-known as the days on
which even the least
observant Jews will make a trip to the synagogue,"
Robinson says. "We
thought it would be helpful to give people an idea
what to expect, what
to look forward to when they go, the contents of the
prayers, the ideas
behind them and the special music that accompanies
        Rabbi Kaplan adds, "We hope also to answer
the question of what it is
that makes these days so compelling, and to do so by
having you explore
the meaning and power of such themes as feeling
connected to the Divine
through expression of our deepest feelings and
needs, moving beyond
remorse and guild, acceptance of death as a way to
live more fully, and
repentance and reconciliation with a loved one or
even with one's self."
        George Robinson is the author of Essential
Judaism, which was published
last year by Pocket Books. The paperback edition of
the book will be
published in September. Morton I.  Teicher called
the book
"extraordinary" in the Jerusalem Post, adding
"Robinson deserves our
gratitude for his major contribution." Diane Cole,
writing in the New
York Times Book Review, characterized it as
"ambitious and
all-inclusive, from practical information . . . to
deeper more abstract
        Rabbi Karen B. Kaplan, ordained as a Reform
rabbi in 1992, specializes
in pastoral care, an area that emphasizes guiding
people and
congregations to spiritual healing in times of
sickness and loss or
other change. In addition to pulpit work, Rabbi
Kaplan has served as a
chaplain intern at New York Medical Center in
Manhattan and Christ
Hospital, Jersey City.
        Beth Am, the People's Temple is a Reform
synagogue located in
Washington Heights in northern Manhattan. Founded in
1950, Beth Am has
been hailed for its innovative approach to liturgy
and honored for its
social justice activities.
        At the conclusion of the evening, Mr.
Robinson will be signing copies
of Essential Judaism, which will be available in
both hardcover and in
the newly published paperback edition; attendees
will be able to
purchase tickets for Beth Am's High Holiday services
as well. 
        Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins
on Monday evening, September
17 and will inaugurate the Jewish year of 5672. Yom
Kippur, the Day of
Atonement, begins on the evening of Wednesday,
September 26. For the
schedule of services at Beth Am, phone the temple at

        The event will take place at Beth Am's home,
the Cornerstone Center,
located at 178 Bennett Avenue (190th Street, one
block west of
Broadway). For information, phone the synagogue
office at 212-927-2230.
Admission is $7.00

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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