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Re: internet radio station

At 06:36 PM 11/10/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi. For awhile I've been thinking about starting a 24/7 internet radio
>station from one of my servers so I can broadcast some of the music I've
>collected. I think I've got the technical side down; the biggest question I
>have has to do with the legality of broadcasting the music. I've read some
>articles, but I'd like to hear from people who have had some real

I think that one of the first things you'd need would be some tracking to 
pay royalties to the folks you broadcast. I know that ASCAP, and possibly
BMI have annual fees you can pay, but don't have more details. And any artists
whose work isn't covered by one of those umbrellas, or another umbrella 
would have to be paid separately, per separate agreement, I'd assume.

Not a lot of money, necessarily, but critical to the artists whose work would
get people to listen! (This is true even if you run the broadcast as a public


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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