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Newsweek article

Dear Ari and all,

Please forgive the self serving and non-musical nature of this posting - but 
after being "close to traumatized" by some of the negative reactions to my 
recommending  the Onion to this list ( some members suggested taking me off the 
list! ) - I can't help but feel somewhat vindicated...

This week's Newsweek dedicated a half page to - - - The Onion!  Furthermore - 
the very two articles I recommended were featured with photos.

Here are some quotes:

"I don't think the act of laughter negates the act of crying. The two are not 
mutually exclusive"

"Sarcasm and irony are tools used by people who really do care... people employ 
irony and sarcasm - we do - because we're bothered by false sentiment..."

Off to celebrate Simchat Torah.  As the Hassidic song goes - "mitzvah g'dola 
li'hiyot besimcha, li'hiot besimcha tamid..."

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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * * 

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