Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Newsweek article

>(By the way, did you know that trying to read this list in archive form
>is about as much fun as trying to nail jello to a tree? One more reason
>for me to kick my ISP's butt.)

One of the main reasons for this is the large number of people 
who send godawful html-ized text to the list. If you look in 
the archives, you realize that anyone trying to read e-mails
posted that way has to wade through scads of obscure HTML commands
to get at each word. 

It is =very= important to find ways to ensure that one sends ONLY
plain text to the list, =if= having your message read and understood

I also know that this is hard to figure out in many so-called "modern"
e-mail clients (AOL's comes to mind), and I wish I had the technical
know-how to help.

[Yet another reason I'm hoping to move the list to both e-mail =and=
a web-based client sometime in this lifetime.]


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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