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Re: What is Jewish Music?

I hope all will pardon my ignorance or naivete on this subject, but it is
one I have a perspective on in some way. As a working musician in New York,
I never know from day to day what kind of gig I may have the next night. I
grew up playing jazz, immersed myself in classical music and over the last
few years, klezmer. In order to pay the rent, besides doing shows, I do many
frum weddings. 
   I , being Jewish and having grown up identifying myself as Jewish, play
music in a way unique to my life experiences as a musician growing up at the
end of the 20th century. Part of that is being Jewish. Is Fred Hirsch
playing Monk Jewish? I imagine somewhere him that facet exists and somehow
comes out as part of him.
  The question of whether a Jew can play Jazz , since he is not African
American is the wrong question. The question is whether as a Jew , he can
bring his life experiences to a music  originated by African Americans and
play it with the same integrity as he would the "Jewish music " he grew up

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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