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Re: What is Jewish Music?

The definition I'm coming to like the best is  "Jewish music is music with
Jewish meaning."  A collection of acoustic tones and textures arranged along a
time continuum is just that until someone (composer or listener) ascribes
meaning-- be it representational, emotional, philosophical or spiritual-- to the

This means the decision of whether a piece is Jewish or not is in the ears of
the beholder.  Here are some implications of the definition:
1)  Non-Jews can compose what they believe to be Jewish music.  
2) Non-Jews can determine for themselves that a music is Jewish, even if no Jew
agrees with them.  
3) A Jewish composer writes a piece that she does not intend to be "Jewish,"
yet a listener (Jewish or non-Jewish) can understand the work as Jewish music.

A slippery definition, yes, but it's an equally slippery subject.

Pete Rushefsky

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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