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RE: Yiddish Theater

In a message dated 4/25/1 1:52:39 PM, reyzl (at) flash(dot)net writes:

<< Simon, please forgive me.  How could I forget about you?  It was my New 
York bias.  Although, I have never been there, I am sure that Simon's store 
has a long list of Yiddish theatrical recordings.

You are forgiven ;-)  MY bias has always been "Yiddish". 

One of the wonderful things about this store is that over the years I have 
met some very interesting people including many of the artists that performed 
in the Yiddish theatre.

It is always a shame that so many of these great actor/singers have been 
largely forgotten, and that when they are "re-discovered", so much of their 
material is no longer in print.

There are so many great Yiddish recordings beyond "Bei Mir Bistu Schein"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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