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Re: Yiddish Theater

In a message dated 4/25/1 1:42:08 PM, wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

<< I was hoping that you'd respond when I asked my question.

Would you recommend any particular anthology?


The old Banner recordings are good sources of specific tunes. There were many 
GRC recordings at one time -good luck getting any now --though "technically" 
they are still available....even though I have been waiting for almost a year 
to get specific titles.

There are still some CDs available by Aaron Lebedeff- a MUST have. 

I have  a few cassettes of "32 World Famous Artists Sing Oldies of the 
Yiddish Theater- 90 Minutes of the Fines Jewish entertainment." with 
narration by Seymour Rexsite & Miriam Kressyn.

There are 3 CDs by the Berstein Family now available, as well as 2 by Max 
Perlman who unfortunately, has been largely forgotten--though still 
remembered in Europe. 

Also, still have odds and ends on cassettes --never to be had again-- by such 
artists as Ludwig Sats, Michal Michalesko, Miriam Kressyn and more. Also have 
a few unusual VIDEOS!
For further info on this subject , plese TELEPHONE (do not emial) at 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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