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Kol Isha becomes a reality

I have to share this dose of reality...  it finally happened to me.

I was asked to organize and perform at a private party, an Israeli style 
Kumzits, with a concert-like presentation of old Israeli ballads, a sing-along, 
and a keyboard player to accompany me and play throughout the evening.  It was 
to be at an expensive restaurant, an up-scale event with good money.  Three 
daughters were organizing this for their mother's 70th birthday.

Everything was confirmed, dates, fees, program outline... and then it happened. 
 One of the sisters is married to an orthodox man.  Of course no one thought of 
this before - but the orthodox man would HAVE to perform the obligatory Kol 
Isha boycott... Never mind that 98% of the people at the party are non-orthodox 
- it was a matter of Shlom-bayit, and I was cancelled...   So there it is, 
alive and well in the year 2001.   The price?  On top of the ideological 
outrage, it was a serious loss of "Parnasa" for me, and I depend on it for a 

Without appropriate words for closing,

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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * * 

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