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Re: clarinet

I've always assumed the volume level was part of the reason -- I don't
know for a fact that the Basie band was louder than Goodman's or Shaw's
(and I can't imagine it was louder than Herman's because those guys blew
pretty hard) but I was under the impression that this was a primary
factor in Basie discouraging Prez from continuing to play clarinet.


Margotlev (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> Saxophone is way harder to play than clarinet!
>   actually which ever instrument you pick up second is going to be harder
> than whichever you get used to playing first.  Sax is harder because it takes
> more air to play it and it's harder to control the pitch.
> I don't know why sax became more popular during the bebop era except possibly
> because it's louder.
> Margot

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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