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Re: "G-d"

In a message dated 2/21/01 11:18:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

> Is the reference "Hashem" a matter of building fences around the
> prohibition against taking the Lord's name in vain?  Or has
> "Lord/Adonai" taken on such a secondary meaning that it is now
> preceived as though it is God's name?  It does seem odd to me when I
> see a realistic movie with a Jewish (e.g., wedding) scene, and in the
> b'racha they say "Hashem."

In many instances, the name Adonai is used specifically in place of the 
unpronouncable name of God, so I guess in a sense, it is already "God once 
removed." Nevertheless, in Halacha it seems to be tread as a name of God. 
What is interesting to me is that when I work with some of the old-time 
Chazzonim, they almost always say "Adoshem." And a former member of Zamir 
Chorale told me they were instructed to use AdoMai.


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