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Re: "G-d"

In a message dated 2/19/01 3:42:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org writes:

> ?  What about books that mention G-d where I see it written
> out?  What's the story?

The premise behind the G-d business is that when writing something in pen or 
pencil, one must be careful not to erase or destroy the name of God. That is 
how the G-d practice orginated. That is why there is no problem if the 
writing is meant to be permanent. There is no intention to allow the name of 
God to be erased or defaced. As I posted previously, many Halachic opinions 
allow the use of G-o-d, as the erasure/defacement rules are meant to apply to 
the name of God as it appears in Tanach.


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