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Re: Klezmer "bootlegs"?

In a message dated 1/28/1 2:15:43 PM, dbrian (at) enteract(dot)com writes:

The logic is far from convoluted. ......
you would learn that this is actually a legitimate distribution
stream for certain shows, as authorized by the artists. No one is
"demanding" that artists give away anything. It's a choice and we are asking
permission. There is a fine community of serious music enthusiasts who spend
a lot of money on recording gear, computer equipment, CDs and concert
ti >>

I think you lost the "thread", we are talking of bootlegs, unauthorized, 
illegal, music. Once the artist has permitted his works to be taped in 
concert, then it is no longer a bootleg nor illegal, as long as the final 
"tape' is not sold commercially...which not opens a whole can of worms as to 
publishing rights and the exclusive right of a recording company to an 
artists commercial recordings.
Sure is much easier to pay the $16.00 than to hire a lawyer!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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