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Re: Klezmer "bootlegs"?

on 1/28/01 7:02 PM, Seth Austen at klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

>> visit

> Brian,
> Thanks for posting the URL, I checked it out this afternoon thinking I
> should educate myself about etree. It looks to me like a very conscientous
> group of fans who have the artists' permissions to live taping. Now, if I
> could find someone with a 24/96 DAT and a nice stereo mic that feels like
> following me around to all of my gigs...
> There certainly seems to be a difference between this sort of thing vs
> napster or copying of CDs onto tapes and distributing free copies to
> friends.
> Seth 

Seth, thank you for the kind words and for having an open mind and getting
the facts about this whole thing. Your point is right on--this has nothing
at all to do with napster or illegal copying.

Whenever you visit the midwest, my friend will be more than happy to make
arrangements with you to tape any of your shows for you. 8)

"Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't
matter." --Jack Benny

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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