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Re: Klezmer "bootlegs"?

on 1/28/2001 2:16 PM, Seth Austen at klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

> I can certainly understand your wish for high quality live recordings of
> great klezmer musicians. I will not make any judgements on musicians who
> allow taping of their gigs, or for that matter, musicians who don't allow
> this. It is the musicians' choice, and in my opinion, not an easy choice
> either way. In my opinion and experience however, mostly what freebies beget
> are yet more freebies.

> Thanks for listening, and taking the time to be an educated music listener.
> Hope to see you at one of my shows sometime. And if you ask, I might even
> let you tape for personal use.
> All the best,
> Seth
Seth, thank you for you honesty. I appreciate this. You make very good
points about these issues. We seem to agree that this type of music
distribution is not for everyone.

I know that some bands who allow live taping seem to enjoy a large and
ever-growing fan base. I think one of the keys to this is that the costs of
making these live recordings are absorbed by the die-hard fans who buy their
own gear and use their own web and ftp sites to promote their favorite
music. Again, it's experimental and not for everyone. The artists should
always decide how, when and where their art is distributed. But, I'm sure
you would have no shortage of volunteers who are willing to help you archive
your live shows! 8)

I will do my best to schedule my next trips to the East around one of your

"Wisdom begins in wonder." --Socrates

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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