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Re: Klezmer "bootlegs"?

on 1/28/01 10:40 PM, Owen Davidson at owend (at) tp(dot)net wrote:

>> "When Law came into the world, freedom came into the world." --Talmud
> What is the meaning of this?  That each thing, by the act of its creation,
> brings
> its opposite into being, as a cookie-cutter leaves an uncookie in the sheet of
> dough?
> --
> Owen Davidson
> Amherst  Mass

I'm sure there are many ways to interpret this (the law as the torah). I
like to think that with the rule of law (people agreeing more or less on
basic rules of conduct) it is possible to live freely, an idea similar to
the philosophical idea of the "social contract". Without some basic rules,
people will tend to be in a "constant state of war" or disagreement. From
law, there can be justice and, sometimes, fairness. On the other hand, too
many rules infringes upon our freedom.

"Form follows function." --Louis Henri Sullivan, Lippincott's Magazine,
March 1896

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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