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Re: Gigs in Cleveland

Okay, here's an offer.  Anyone on this list who would like to play in 
Cleveland, write to me
off-list about it and what your requirements are, financially and otherwise, 
and I'll look
into it and see what we can do.  We need more Jewish music here.


Jewish Music Institute wrote:

> Surely its not the bands' fault that there are not gigs in Cleveland.  Why 
> does someone
> from Cleveland (or anywhere else) not pick up a phone and invite a band of 
> their choice.
> Of course they would have to provide the venue, the publicity and a fee. 
> There are
> plenty of organizations, synagogues, the wonderful JCCs across your country 
> (that we
> don't have in the UK) that would do themselves a big favor emotionally, 
> communally and
> financially if they would do that and a good time would be had by all.  Ari's 
> Klezmer
> Shack provides contacts for hundreds of bands.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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