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Re: OT: other cool world music?

I would recommend you check out anything on the Nonesuch label in their 
catalogue of native world music.  It's been a long time and I don't even know 
if it still exists, but I do know that it was incredible.  Robert Palmer (just 
watch me namedrop!) went to their warehouse looking for some interesting stuff 
and ended up taking home the entire catalogue!  He certainly put it to
good use.

"Yakov (Koby)" wrote:

> Friends, neighbors and cousins:
> I've kind of come up against a wall with my music. I have a bunch of jazz 
> (mostly swing or ska -- i'm not really into anything after the 70's unless 
> it's in an older style), klezmer, rock, and a category that can be called 
> "weird-a**" (David Byrne, Beck, Oingo Boingo [Danny Elfman]). And I could go 
> on buying stuff from those genres, except I feel like I need something new.
> So, I know most people here are world music mavens -- what would you suggest? 
> Something cool from someplace I wouldn't think to ask about? Let's not even 
> stick to Europe -- who's playing traditional African music? What kind of 
> stuff were the Australian natives into? Anything!
> Any kind of suggestions would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Yakov
> KOBYLAND -- We care.
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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