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Re: Aderet records reissues

Dear RL (et al.) --

This is very exciting and the photo on the website is enticing -- looks
like a BIG record store.

Now, for those of us who are, shall we say, vehicularly challenged --
that is, without automobiles -- what's the nearest subway station?

George (Wishes he owned a car. Or a parking place) Robinson

Thanks for the kind words on my little missive,

ro (at) panix(dot)com wrote:
> In an earlier posting I mentioned Aderet's CD reissues last year of a
> lot of their old LP catalog, and I've been asked for details.
> Aderet is a record company based in Boro Park which through the 1960s
> and 1970s recorded and released a lot of the Chassidic cantors, choirs,
> and choruses in BP and around the world.
> The owners of the record company also have a record store in BP called
> Mostly Music.    In addition to having most everything currently
> popular in the yeshivish and chassidish communities,
> right now in the front section of the store they have
> dozens of CD titles which are reissues of these old out of print Aderet LPs,
> and for some months now they've been for sale "two for one" - buy
> one for $14.99 and you get another one free.
> Just a few examples (titles Anglifed pardon my transliteration
>         if it's not "standard"):
> Munkacs Hasidim - Negunei Hasidei Munkacs
> Negunei Ramat Wisnitz
> Marches and Waltzes of the Gerer Hasidim
> David Werdiger (dozens of his recordings, most are spectacular)
> Skulener Hasidim - Nigunei Skulener
> Of course, if you REALLY want Shloimy Dachs or the latest Suki and
> Ding production (by the way, who's Ding?  Suki is the only one who ever
> seems to say anything), or Dudu Fischer they've got all that too, and there's
> even a respectable klezmer section toward the rear near the children's
> video tapes.  (For klezmer you'll probably do better with
> And, for reasons I cannot fathom - mayboe someone can help me out
> here, they have Yanni.  No, they don't have any other "new age"
> kinds of artists, aside from an odd spacey piano treatment of
> some Chabad nigunim.  And you know what else is strange?  The
> Judaica shop in the Wesley Hills shopping center up in Monsey (which
> also has a great stock) carries Yanni too.  What am I missing here?
> But back to Aderet and Mostly Music.  They have a web site, which
> can give you some idea of the incredible array of what they carry,
> but cannot give you a precise idea of stock.  I tried placing an order
> through it once, and Mendlowitz called me back on the phone and
> we spent a pleasant 20 minutes discussing my likes and dislikes
> and he put together a nice package for me (too many Chaim Banet Big
> Band records, but hey).  I recomend that if you're anywhere near
> BP that you simply pay a visit and do some browsing; though be aware
> browsing will be difficult if you can't at least read Yiddish phonetically.
> You can browse them at - it's "under
> construction" but you can learn alot wandering, oh dear.
> This isn't good - clicking on just about anything right now
> gives me a bunch of errors:
> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
> [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable 
> query.
> /, line 18
> oh well.  If you know what you're looking for, you can call them at
> 1-718-GET-A-SONG (718-438-2766), or better yet, visit at
> 4815 13th Avenue between 48 and 49 in Boro Park.  I think it's
> 10 - 8 Sunday thru Thursday and 10 - 2 on Friday.
> (And a warning - going after school lets out on Sunday afternoon you're
> likely to be in a store mobbed with teenagers jonesing for some Piamenta...)
> I, of course have no relationship except as a customer.
> --
> r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

Then you should be a member of the NATIONAL
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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