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Re: Klezmer and Jewish Music Workshop and Concert in New Haven

In a message dated 11/3/00 2:21:04 PM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:

<< I went to this event last Wednesday. I was impressed by a number of
things. First of all there seems to be a much livlier Jewish community
in and around New Haven than I had previously thought. I met people like
David who are interested in Jewish music from both a personal and
professional perspective as a Professor of Music at SCSU. I met other
people who are into Jewish dance, both Klezmer and Israeli, and who give
classes in same at the local JCC and foster and attend other Jewish
dance related events all over Connecticut. >>

So what are you waiting for . . . Come and join us in Gym 3, Saturday 8:pm at
The 2000 NOMAD Festival of Traditional Music, Art, and Dance - Friday through 
Sunday, November 10-12, 2000, at the Newtown High School, Newtown, CT 06470.
 <A HREF="";>NOMAD Festival of 
Traditional Music, Art, and D…</A>
Check our events page <A 
HREF="";>The Nefesh Home Page</A>
 and/or the Musi-Cal Calendar:

Alan Falk
Nefesh Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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