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Klezmer and Jewish Music Workshop and Concert in New Haven

I thought that anyone in the New Haven, CT region might be interested in
this event that we're hosting at my school, Southern Connecticut State
University.  Although it is a faculty development program, the public, as
they say in the institutional world, is alwo welcome to attend.  If you are
interested in attending please get back to me and I'll get you driving
instructions etc. so that you can attend.

Klezmer and Jewish Music Workshop and Concert

The SCSU Department of Judaic Studies and the SCSU Music Department in
conjunction with the SCSU Faculty Development Advisory Committee is proud to
present an afternoon of master class sessions and a concert for the Faculty
on the subject of Jewish Music. The sessions will be led by two members of
the Klezmatics: vocalist and accordionist, Lorin Sklamberg and trumpeter,
Frank London and assisted by pianist Rob Schwimmer and Music Department
faculty member, David Chevan.  The master classes will take place in Earl
Hall on the SCSU campus on Wednesday, November 1.

On Wednesday, November 1, at 12:00 p.m. Sklamberg and London, along with
pianist Rob Schwimmer  and SCSU Music Professor David Chevan, will offer
three workshops in rooms 114 and 118 in Earl Hall. Although this is a
faculty workshop all members of the SCSU community are welcome.

12:00- 1:30 Session 1a. Sklamberg will lead a nigunim-singing class open to
all voices, with an emphasis on group singing. Nigunim are songs of
devotion and praise whose purpose is to induce a state of piety and ecstasy
in both performer and listener.  Earl Hall Room 114.

12:00 - 1:30 Session 1b. London, Schwimmer, and Chevan will lead a class for
musicians where nigunim and other traditional Jewish melodies will be
learned as a basis for improvisation,  arranging, and ensemble performance.
Earl Hall Room 118.

1:30 - 3:00 Session 2. Both groups will come together for a
lecture/demonstration on the history of Klezmer and other Ashkenazic Jewish
musical traditions, from their European roots through their contemporary
renaissance.   Earl Hall Room 118.

On Wednesday, November 1, at 5:00 p.m., London, Sklamberg and Schwimmer will
give a performance featuring songs from their CD, Nigunim. This concert will
take place in the Charles Garner Recital Hall (Engleman 115) on the SCSU
Campus in New Haven.  ADMISSION IS FREE.
        This concert of original and traditional nigunim drawn from the Belzer,
Gerer, Lubovitcher, and Skulaner dynasties has been performed around the
world, at festivals of Jewish culture from Toronto to Amsterdam. 

This workshop and concert  is sponsored by a Grant from the SCSU Faculty
Development Advisory Committee.

For further information please contact Dr. David Chevan in the Music
Department at  (203) 392- 6630, or  chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu
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David Chevan
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06517
(203) 392-6630

email: chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu 
or check out my website by clicking here

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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