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Jewish Music?

These are just the most recent of dozens of works/recordings which I
have read about but am not sure if they are "Jewish Music" in the
sense that they are either based on Jewish textual or musical themes.
Can anyone help on any of them?

Britten, Benjamin: Sacred & Profane
 (Any Jewish texts here?  I know of several other works by Britten
that do use Jewish themes.)
Kancheli: Lament
(Is the text by Hans Sahl considered Jewish in content?)
Keal, Minna: Cantillation for Violin and Orchestra, Op.4
 (Is this based on hazanut?)
Kern: 2 Biblical Scenes
 (Is either based on scenes from the Hebrew Scriptures?)
Messiaen: Visions de l?Amen
(Is this based in part on Hebrew Scriptures? rendering of the creation
of light?)
Mangore, Barrios: La Samaritana
Tal, Josef: Else (Hommage)
(This is ?a dramatic cantata? which treats the subjects of exile??)
Toch, Ernst: Symphony No.3 (1955)
(This was ?commissioned for the celebration of the 300th anniversary
of the founding of the
Jewish community in the United States.?)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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