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Re: Jewish music?

On Guthrie -- I don't know to what extent he was immersed in Jewish
culture. But Guthrie's wife -- Arlo's mother -- was certainly quite
Jewish.  Here's some of my info about Guthrie's wife, Marjorie: her 
mother was a well-known  Yiddish poet and songwriter, Aliza Greenblatt.  
Her father was a very dedicated Zionist who lived in prestate Palestine 
for a time.  Her oldest brother also moved to Palestine and joined in 
its nascent Navy, and even wrote a book in Hebrew on Naval operations.

I haven't had much information to suggest that the Guthrie household
was very influenced by this, but it seems possible.  I'd be interested
to hear more about it.  Maybe Arlo could comment if he's listening.  
By the way, do I think Arlo makes Jewish music?  No offense, but:
no, not really.  


Mark David

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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