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Jewish Music?

Here is my periodic list asking those on the list, ?Is it Jewish

Druckman: Bo                                             NY
Kancheli: Lament (text by Hans Sahl)        ECM 1656
Kern, M.: 2 Biblical Scenes                        Hungaroton 31854
Torke: Book of Proverbs; 4 Proverbs (I?m pretty sure this is)

Decca 466 721

By the way, the latest American Record Guide (March/April 2000)
contains reviews of a number of recordings with Jewish content

Guitarist Sharon Isbin?s CD Dreams of a World containing her
arrangement of Shemer: 4 Songs (panned by the reviewer)
(I assume this is Jewish)

Ballads of the Sephardic Jews (Sarband) (called ?impressive?)

(and Manna-Zucca?s ?I Love Life? sung by Ben Heppner, not a Jewish
song itself, but by a composer who did write at least one Jewish song
discussed on the list)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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