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Re: partisan tangos, again

Yidish Tango is included in the Vinkovetzky/Kovner/Leichter "Anthology of 
Yiddish Folksongs," Volume Four, published in 1987 by The Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem/Magnes Press (often referred to as "the red books").  

The melody is the same as the popular Yiddish song "Shpil zhe Mir a Lidele in 

The lyrics are credited to "Tsorfat."  The biographical sketch of Ruvn 
Tsorfat (or Tsorfas?) in the Lexikon fun der Nayer Yidisher Literatur (Volume 
Seven, page 615) mentions him as the author of the "very popular ghetto song 

The sketch states that Ruvn Tsorfat was held in the Kovno Ghetto, and that he 
died in 1944 in a concentration camp near Munich.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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