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Re: tangos from argentina

That's great.  I also have a lot of Yiddish music from Argentina, including
many tangos.  I went there in 1997, worked with Abraham Lichtenbaum at the
IWO, and stayed with a friend who is a klezmer musician (Cesar Lerner.)  I
have Yiddish recordings of Max Zalkind, Maz Perelman, Rosita Londner, Henri
Gero, Jacob Sandler, Jevel Katz, Zoila Aguinsky, and others.

Thanks -- I'll call Lorin.

Jenny Levison
Producer and Artistic Director
Tango Meydl Productions
PO Box 12309
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 936-8264

>From: itzik (at) mindspring(dot)com
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: tangos from argentina
>Date: Mon, Oct 30, 2000, 9:06 AM

> I don't know if anyone has done extensive work on the Argentinian
> Jewish music scene. Lorin Sklamberg returned last week from Argentina
> with a box of old LPs of Yiddish singers I have never heard of and
> apparently there is much good stuff there, I assume tangos among them.
> He is cataloging them in the YIVO sound archives in NY. - Itzik
> Gott

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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